Thank you for your expression of interest in educating your child at Holy Spirit School, Bray Park.
To start your enrolment journey with us, please click the below link:

I suggest that you read the Enrolment Guidelines fully before completing the Application for Enrolment so that you have an understanding of how the school processes applications. Once completed, please return the Application for Enrolment with the $60 (non-refundable) Application Fee to the school. Documentary evidence of Birth, Baptism and Immunisation is required. If necessary these can be photocopied for you at the school.
Prep Enrolments
A first round of interviews with parents/caregivers of prospective students for the following year will be held in Term 2 of each year. Please ensure that you have lodged your enrolment application for Prep by this time.
The school will contact you to arrange an interview time. It is important that your child as well as both parents, where possible, can attend the enrolment interview.
After all Prep interviews have been held, offers of a place in the Holy Spirit Prep program will be made by letter. An orientation meeting will be held in Term 4 to assist you and your child in preparing for Prep.
Other Enrolments
Once your enrolment application has been lodged, you will be invited to attend an enrolment interview. It is important that your child or children who are enrolling attend this interview, with both parents if possible. Confirmation of enrolment will then be made within a few days of the interview.
If there are not enough places available, students will be placed on a waiting list. Parents will be contacted when a place becomes available. The school’s enrolment guidelines will then be used to determine the intake.
You are most welcome to visit our school before the formal enrolment process. Please telephone and a time can be arranged for you to do so.
Thank you for your interest in Holy Spirit School.